Grounding Mediation
Grounding Yourself
The following exercise can be performed in a number of ways, I suggest that you read the exercise through a few times and then attempt it. If you have difficulty recalling each step, you can attempt the exercise as you read along. Another effective method would be to dictate the words into a tape recorder and then play it back. You could also practice with a friend, taking turns reading the exercise to each other. After performing this grounding exercise a few times, it will become natural, and you can then play around with creating your own grounding methods and individualize grounding cord. Give yourself at least ten minutes to perform the following exercise. The more time you spend grounding, the greater the benefits.
Close your eyes, sit in a chair with your feet touching the ground, and relax. Imagine that there is a very heavy and strong rope, weighing hundreds of tons, sitting under your chair. Picture this rope and all the details. Examine the fibers. How thick are they? In what way do they twist? What is the color of the rope? Is the rope consistent all the way down in terms of shape, color, and size? How long is it? Does the thickness change from top to bottom? Smell the rope. Taste it (oops, you may need to pull out some of the prickly fibers from your tongue!). Notice that the rope is hollow inside, and this hollow is lined with very strong and slippery metal. See both ends of the rope, and notice if the rope is frayed at all or if there is a neat knot on each end. You are free to change anything about the rope that makes you doubt its strength or makes you uncomfortable.
Now, physically, pantomime picking up part of the rope. As you reach down under your chair, see yourself picking up one end.
Next, bring the end of the rope up to your first charka, at the base of your spine. With your left hand (remember, you are holding the rope in your right hand), feel the base of your spine. See your first charka at the base of your spine spinning like a washing machine.
Now you are going to insert one end of the rope into the spinning center. The knot on the rope is bigger than the charka, so once it is in there, it will not fall out. See it in there. Tug on it. If it comes out, make the knot bigger, than try again until it is secure.
Now reach under you chair again and take hold of the other end of the rope. Also under your chair is a very heavy, very large cement brick. Loop the rope around the brick. Now, at the count of three, you are going to drop this rope into the earth. It is the kind of rope that can expand as long as it wants, even millions of miles. There is no time or spatial limitations when dealing with energy and your imagination, so it only takes a millisecond to reach the center of the planet. This rope can penetrate any kind of physical matter, so even if you are at the top of a twenty-story apartment building or flying in an airplane, you will be able to ground.
Now see the rope in the center of the planet. What does the center of the planet look like? Is there molten lava? What color is it? If you are having difficulty, you can even draw a circle around the brick and write “center of the planet” with your mind. You may try tugging on the rope to see what happens to the brick. If it rises up a bit, you may want to secure it more firmly into the center of the planet. Congratulations, you have formed your grounding cord!
Now just watch this cord for a few minutes. Look at it from the top to the bottom. Notice how your body feels. Now that your cord is secure, it is time to release out of it. Since the gravity of the earth is naturally sucking all the foreign/negative energies out of you, your aura, and your cord, you don’t have to put to much effort. Just relax and see what is being released. Focus at the top of your head, and see all the black negative energy flowing downwards from your head to your neck, to your shoulders, to your arms, hands, chest, stomach, waist, legs, feet, toes, bottoms of the feet, and into your grounding cord, and then into the center of the planet.
If you feel yourself making to much of an effort, then release this down your cord. If you are becoming distracted by thoughts about other people, your work, or various problems in your life, know this is the energy that you are releasing. Visualize these distractions in the form of an image or symbol or color and see them falling down your cord into the center of the planet.
At this time, it may be a good idea to ground your aura. Imagine that the part of tour aura around your feet is melting into your grounding cord. You may need to first expand the circumference of your rope so that all of your aura can be tucked into the rope. Now postulate that all foreign energies in your aura, even from the very top of it, are effortlessly falling down through your grounding cord into the center of the planet. When you are finished, you can thank your cord for its good work and then see the cord exploding into a million pieces. Once it is fully destroyed, create a new grounding cord. Introduce yourself to this new cord and ask it to keep you secure and help you release, throughout your day.
Pentacle Elements
About Me
- )0( Gabe )0(
- san a, texas, United States
- im 15 and im a freshman, but im different. I have been a Solitary Eclectic Wiccan for five years, but even when i was little i could feel the energy radiating from the Earth, through my feet and through my body. When i was around three i saw my first sprit. it was my uncle john. i now have lost that ability to see spirits, but im working on gaing that once again. I taught my self how to see the aura when i was nine and i still carry that ability. I am i natural healer, i do auric healing, but sometime i wish to become a Reiki master. I am always reading and trying to improve my knowledge about Wiccan and the energy that makes up everything.
Monday, November 9, 2009
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