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Welcome and Merry Meet!

Pentacle Elements

Pentacle Elements

About Me

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san a, texas, United States
im 15 and im a freshman, but im different. I have been a Solitary Eclectic Wiccan for five years, but even when i was little i could feel the energy radiating from the Earth, through my feet and through my body. When i was around three i saw my first sprit. it was my uncle john. i now have lost that ability to see spirits, but im working on gaing that once again. I taught my self how to see the aura when i was nine and i still carry that ability. I am i natural healer, i do auric healing, but sometime i wish to become a Reiki master. I am always reading and trying to improve my knowledge about Wiccan and the energy that makes up everything.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Lavender Dream Spell

A Lavender Dream Spell

Lavender is a great herb to use if you wish to work sleep or dream magic.

It is especially good if you wish to induce a psychic dream.

Perform this spell in the evening.

To do this, you’ll need some fresh or dried lavender (both flowers and foliage), a small square of white fabric, lavender-colored ribbon, and an amethyst crystal.

First, crumble some of the lavender onto the fabric and tie into a bundle with the ribbon (this is a sachet).

Place this beneath your pillow, and set the amethyst crystal near your bed, or under your pillow, ect.

Smolder the rest of the lavender in a dish and light the herb. Scent your bedroom. As you get into bed, think of your question.

Expect a vivid dream.

If an answer isn’t revealed, wait a week and try again.

In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust,

)0( Blessed Be )O(

1 comment:

  1. Just to let you know I came back to check AGAIN (for the 100 millionth time) to see if you had updated yet. :-D


Merry Part

Merry Part